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Squinting at Grandmother

Walk with me across the plains
Far from here

How many heartbeats away?
Each step a form shaken

We’ll make it
Carried by the breath and

Each other’s curiosity
Silent cartilage

Load up
Miles pass

Know what’s under here?
Up and down, lots of worlds

Have you ever seen the earth’s blood?
Deeper than dirt

Burning iron

Somewhere between this surface

and that furnace

Lived the ancient ones

Deep within the miles of Makȟá Oníya, Wind Cave

Lakȟóta lived there for generations

before before

before the anno dominance

before His story

Did they keep time, down there?

Or were they too busy reveling in Mother Earth’s belly?

Like a baby kicking around in the womb

Nine moons worth, unseen but not unmoved by her gravity

But you don’t measure time like that, do you?

By moons

You have numbers inside squares

Clocks and robots

But sometimes you / I / we look up at her, Grandmother Moon,

And admire her lights and shadows

Her smoothed out silver cheeks and asteroid scars

Her great big eye!


She is to be admired

Is she dear to you?

‘What do you mean?” You ask

A silly question for a citizen

Loyal to a blanket of stripes and stars

Not real stars

Pictures, laid out like crops, three colors

How you have reaped

What you’ve sewn

Are you comfortable in there

Wrapped in its bars?

Loyal to a notion


I’m asking

What have you given back to the Moon?

Think I’m being funny?

What if I laugh with you?

What if she joins in,

And we all laugh together?

You wouldn’t like that

You’d rather drop a dagger with your smile

Laugh with a shark grin, sinister

But we’re far from the salty seas

If you laugh at me, in my awe

You might miss the epiphany

Mixing up worship and honor

They aren’t the same, soldier

While you dismiss my respect as heresy

I’ll go on with my devotion

While you scoff and draw crosses

Cutting off the weave

Wrapping thorns around Rosebuds

I’ll be grateful, quiet

While you speak

I’ll listen

Make your argument

I’ll say my prayers

Great Spirit have mercy

On u.s. all

From time to time

Folk make good on their gifts

Give us time Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka

We’ll come round

Do you pray?

Open or closed fist?

Raise it up to the Moon

See if she blinks