
Poetry Reading with Nate Klug

Online October 22, 2020 | 4:30 - 5:30 pm EST

In an essay published in Image Journal, Nate Klug writes: “Poetry begins less in discovery than a faithful kind of resistance; it refuses to succumb to the sacrificed attention that comprises most of our lives.” A UCC-Congregationalist minister and poet, Nate recently published his third poetic volume, Hosts and Guests (Princeton University Press, Sept. 2020). For this workshop, you are invited to join Nate for readings of his work, interspersed with reflections on the intersections of poetry and ministry. The session will end with a prompt for our own writing.

Instructor: Nate Klug

Hosts and Guests cover image by Joan Brown, St. Francis and St. Claire, 1989.


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