Online December 10, 2020 | 4:30 - 6 pm EST
Ancient Jewish sages, asking why Genesis begins with the Hebrew letter beit, suggested that God was hinting that the world was created for humans as a beautiful home—or beit in Hebrew. Join us for an hour dipping our toes into the inky sea that is the rich and meaningful world of Hebrew calligraphy. As we write powerful words of peace and strength, we will meditate on our own embodiment and our own ‘being at home’ in every sense of the phrase. If you have done no calligraphy and know no Hebrew, this workshop is for you!
Instructor: Jonathan Homrighausen
Needed: (1) a set of pilot parallel pens and (2) some paper. Good quality printer paper will do, but it can bleed, so — Optional: some good quality paper such as smooth watercolor paper or lettering paper. No need to purchase ink as the parallel pen set comes with ink cartridges.